Monkey Rump Diapers

Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Years

So it's been awhile since I've posted. With the holidays it has been crazy crazy busy around this way. Round two testers went our over a week ago and so far so good feedback. I have a few adjustments that I personally want to make but other than that this has turned out a lot better than round 1. Thank you so much to my round 2 testers. They are truly a great helpful bunch. Over Christmas I have upgraded my sewing machine and have also ought a serger. Which will help speed up production. I am crossing my fingers that all adjustments will be made by the end of january and I can get a full stock rolling in February. I definitely do NOT want to rush things. So however long it takes to make sure the diapers are perfect that time will be taken! Thank you so much to my awesome fans. I really appreciate the support! I hope everyone has a wonderful New Years and best wishes!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Round 2 Testers!

So I'm pleased to announce that round 2 testers are complete!! That being said, there are currently 3 spots available.This is first come first serve. In order to receive the spot you must agree to the terms of a tester and be committed to helping us by giving feedback within a timely manner. By purchasing these diapers you acknowledge that these diapers are not perfect but a work in progress. There may be flaws that will of course be fixed once feedback is received. The cost of the diaper is marked down considerably. The only thing you will be paying for is materials and shipping.I cannot stress enough how important your feedback is and I looking forward to working with those who receive the spots!

Please send an email to if you are interested in the spot. I will take the first 3 emails. The cost of the diaper is $14.00 which includes priority shipping.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Anything is possible!

Round 1 is officially done for! I will continue to take feedback from my testers but I have gotten pretty much all the input that was necessary. It wasn't all good. But definitely wasn't all bad. To all my testers, please know that I appreciate from the bottom of my heart, you taking the time out and giving me the feedback that I needed. That being said I am busy, busy, busy, in my office drafting adjustments. Good thing my husband agreed to redo the office tonight because I am slowly but surely running out of room. What started off as a split office has now grown in to me taking completely over!

I wish I could say the reason behind me starting Monkey Rump,is some incredible story. The truth is, it's truly what I love to do. Being behind my sewing machine has the best calming effect. So I will continue to strive and try my hardest to make Monkey Rump a wonderful diaper everyone will love. Rather they are stocked today, next week or next year. This is what I intend to do. Thank you again everyone for the support it means unspeakable amounts to me!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lesson learned...

As we start into the new week a lot of plans are being done to finalize round 1 and head into round 2. One thing I didn't anticipate going into round 1 is dishonesty amongst those I trusted to be my testers. Round 1 was provided at no cost. Which means I supplied all materials and labor and only thing I asked in return was for honest feedback. Simple right? Guessing not. That being said going forth with round 2 changes will be made to make sure this situation does not arise again. I see this as an upside, every business has its ups and downs and I take it in stride. I look forward to moving forward and perfecting Monkey Rump so I can get them stocked and ready to go for those who are waiting. Thank you to all of my followers and keep the comments and questions coming!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Nothing better to do on a cold day..

Whats your cold day remedy? Mine, of course, is sewing. A cup of hot chocolate is always great as well. I have a lot of things to work on for Monkey Rump. I am very excited to reveal the new prints. They are absolutely adorable. There are so many great fabric choices available. Its so hard to not buy them all.  I hope everyone is staying bundled up out there. So tell me, what do you like to do most on hose cold days?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Round 1 feedback..

So far round 1 feedback has been great. A little tweaking has to be done but nothing too major. WHEW! A sigh of relief, things are looking great and I'm happy. That being said I have made the few adjustments and after the survey today I will be starting the process of round 2! What this means for you ( the followers) tester spots will be coming available very soon! Also a giveaway is in the works with a wonderful mama, so look out for that. If you haven't already make sure to like us on Facebook :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Nerve wrecking!! Giveaway question!!

So all the testers have gone out. Nervous wouldn't even begin to describe how I feel. I'm excited to hear the feedback! Thank you, to my wonderful testers. This means so much to the growth of Monkey Rump Diapers. Once i hear some feedback about round 1 testers I can officially start on round 2.
I'm totally in love with that fluffy fabric, I can't wait to sew it up! So I'm thinking I'm going to do a giveaway/contest of some sort in the next week. Any ideas?